Unilag Foundation Programme or Unilag Diploma is also known as Unilag Jupeb Programme. A 9 Month Programme that ushers in Students straight into 200 Level after its completion.
The application form for the 2024/2025 academic session will be on sale early next year around April/May 2025.
All the information and Admission guidance needed will be posted right here at ADMISSION SUCCESS GUIDE. Just make sure you don’t miss out on any of our updates. You can subscribe with the information below for subsequent updates for free
Diploma/Pre-degree is another certificate people rush in to obtain usually for admission purpose rather than for possession. With a diploma degree at hand, a direct entry admission process is much easier. It is inline with this that we look into the diploma programme of one the prestigious universities in Nigeria, the university of Lagos.
The Foundation Programmes of the University of Lagos were initiated in 1998, with the objective of providing additional training opportunities to qualified youths of the Nation. This was in the overall educational interest of our growing young population in need of opportunities for further studies in both Nigeria, the United Kingdom and elsewhere in the world. It contributes to the efforts of the government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in expanding access to tertiary education and quality products from the University System.
n the last sixteen years of its existence, the Foundation Programmes (formerly Diploma II) have progressively provided avenues for successful candidates to gain direct admission into the 200 level of the degree programmes of the University of Lagos, through the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), and into any of the approved tertiary institutions in Nigeria and our partnering Universities in the United Kingdom and China
For further inquiries and admission assistance call 09022205421/08117765394
Unilag (Jupeb & Pre-degree) the Examination will Look Like
Computer-Based Testing (get our dated past question, it will help you in your preparation for your exam ).
Unilag (Jupeb & Pre-degree) Questions will Look Like
All Questions are Multiple Choice. That is it will be OBJ (Objectives)
Papers that will be written during the Examination
Examination subjects are Mathematics, English Language (20 questions each) and 3 other relevant subjects (according to candidates choice of subject combination) of 15 questions each, that is, a total of 85 questions to be answered in 1 hour. Students are to report at designated venues – according to the schedule on the Examination Pass.
All candidates must be at the designated venues two hours before the scheduled Examination time.
When will the Result will be Released?
we will notified u when the result is released.
Other Required Information
Please read the information on the subject combination relevant to your course of study before completing the application forms online. The combination of subject requirements has been outlined below.
Requirement for Registration of Unilag (Jupeb & Pre-degree) Programme Form 2024/2025
The programme is for Science Students, Commercial student and also Art Students…
After sales of application form there will be an Entrance Exam for all candidates who applied. You can get the Entrance examination past questions and Answers now for revision purpose from me in person, i i look forward to hear from you, cos we are here to put you through your success .
Don’t forget to subscribe below if you are yet to subscribe and you won’t miss on any of our updates henceforth.
If you want to have a personal chat with me, please follow my social media accounts below;
All related enquiries (Must be related to the post above) should be dropped via the comment section below and we will reply as soon as possible.
For further inquiries and admission assistance call 09022205421/08117765394
you can also add this number up on whatsapp or call me with the same phone number- 09022205421
By now you should have heard of a Programme called the Unilag Foundation Programme or Unilag Jupeb Programme or better still formerly known as Unilag Diploma. It serve as a better alternative Programme to gain admission into Unilag full time Undergraduate Programme Without having to write Jamb Utme Exam.
The Unilag Jupeb Programme will run for 9 months or approximately one year and then the graduates of the Programme will use the result to apply for a straight direct entry into 200Level the following year there bye skipping Jamb Utme.
All that will be required for any candidate to apply is just five credit in olevel subjects in relevant field not more than one sitting. Awaiting results will also be able to apply.
The application form fo the 2024/2025 academic session will be on sale around May/June. All updates and Admission guidance will be right here on Unilag Admission
Guide. Just make sure you follow our Updates bumper to bumper.
For further inquiries and admission assistance call 09022205421/08117765394
About The Entrance Exam & How To Get Prepared
There will be an entrance exam for all applicants after sales of application form. The Entrance exam is purely based on olevel syllabus and not that hard. Just get the Entrance examination past question and answers and revise them back to back and you will be good to go
More updates and guide will be posted soon. Make sure you don’t miss out on any updates. Subscribe for free with the information below…
For Purchase &
Registration of Unilag Foundation Form Call: 09022205421 Newest Unilag Foundation Form: 2024/2025 Unilag Foundation Programme application form is out now and very much on sales. You can get the form as soon as possible. The Programme is a one year Programme after which you can use the certificate to gain admission into 200 level in any course of your choice in Unilag and other schools including selected universities abroad.
Most products of Unilag Foundation Programme are always known to be the best throughout their undergraduate years. The Programme is a full time Programme which enables student to receive lectures during the day period. After purchase of application form, there will be an entrance exam for all candidates that applied and you can get yourself prepared by getting the entrance examination past questions and answers.
You are expected to print two copies of the filled form, stamp them at your faculty, submit a copy of the form at the faculty coordinator’s office and come along with the other copy for the entrance examination.
If you are ready to get the form, we can be of assistance to you. Feel free to talk to us any time from wherever you are in Nigeria; we will treat your issue with urgency. Call our lines today: 09022205421
University of Lagos Past Questions & Answers is the Key to your Success
Past experience shows that with thorough revision of the past questions and answers; success at the entrance exam is guaranteed. That’s the plain truth.
We have it available in:
- Hard copy format (you might need to come pick this one up inside Unilag from one of my assistance).Call the numbers at the end of this post to know how to meet with one of our reps to get this copy. 09022205421
- Soft copy(pdf format that will be sent to your mail)
- How To Get The Soft Copy Straight Into Your Email
I will recommend the soft copy for those that want to study ahead and again it’s actually more comprehensive and well packaged and you can easily print it out or go through them on your mobile device. we will send this soft copy to your email within few minutes after payments even if you want it now. Instructions on how to get it below:
Note: if you need to confirm anything before making payment, please feel free to call or text the numbers at the end of this post.
The Unilag Diploma application form is sold for 25,500 inclusive of bank charges,the programme is open to anybody who possess an O’level certificate but it is a must for one to have all required subject combinations,if not one can be denied admission,but do not worry we have that covered because we are professionals in handling admissions when it comes to unilag,we will also assist you with the purchase and registration.
The unilag diploma is also a back up plan for those who can not meet up with JAMB or POST-UTME score, it is another means of gaining admission into unilag without much stress, and of course you will be admitted to 200 level after the completion of the programme, but like i mentioned above there will be an entrance exam, that is why i urge you to get the past questions and answers or you attend our tutorial.
For further inquiries and admission assistance call 09022205421/08117765394
- We generate a payment pin for you From the school website
- You take it to the banks(Inside Unilag) and make payment yourself
- After payment, you come back to our stand and we do the online registration for you all inside Unilag
- For registration assistance call: 09022205421/08117765394
There will be an entrance exam before you can get admitted to the programme,it is very important you know the subject combination for the entrance exam.
We have the past questions and answers for all courses,we have the soft copy and hard copy,the soft copy and hard copy is 5,000 do well to call us on 09022205421 to place an order.
Mathematics and English are compulsory for the Entrance Examination in addition to any three relevant subjects as stated below:
v Creative Arts
(a) Theatre Arts: Literature in English and any two of Igbo, Yoruba, Christian Religious Studies (CRS), Islamic Religious Studies (IRS), French, History,Government, Music and Fine Arts.
(b) Visual Arts:Fine Arts and any two of Literature in English, Igbo, Yoruba, Christian Religious Studies (CRS), Islamic Religious Studies (IRS), French,History,Governmentand Music.
(c) Music:Music and any two of Literature in English, Igbo, Yoruba, Christian Religious Studies (CRS), Islamic Religious Studies (IRS), French History,Governmentand Fine Arts.
v Linguistics, African and Asian Studies (Yoruba, Igbo):Yoruba/Igboand any two of History, IRS, CRS, French, Government, Music, Fine Arts and Literature in English.
v English:Literature in English and any two of Igbo, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, History,Government, Musicand Fine Arts.
v History and Strategic Studies:History and/or Governmentand any two or one of, Igbo, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, Literature in English, French, Music and Fine Arts
v European Languages:-
(a) French: French and any two of Igbo, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, History,Government, Literature in English, Musicand Fine Arts.
(b) Russian: Any three of Igbo, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, French, History, Government, Literature in English, Musicand Fine Arts
v Philosophy:Any three of LiteratureinEnglish, Igbo, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, French, History, Economics, Government, Chemistry, Physics, Biology but at least one Arts subject,
v Accounting: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences
v Actuarial Sciences: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences
v Business Administration: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences
v Banking &Finance: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences
v Insurance: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences
v Industrial Relations &Personnel Management: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences
For further inquiries and admission assistance call 09022205421/08117765394
v Adult Education: Any three of Literature in English, Economics, CRS/IRS, Government, History, Igbo, Yoruba, Geography and French.
v Early Childhood Education: Any three of Literature in English, Economics, CRS/IRS, Government, History, Igbo, Yoruba, Geography and French.
v Educational Administration: Any three of Economics, Literature in English, CRS/IRS, Government, History, Geography, Igbo, French and Yoruba.
v Education Biology:Biology, Chemistry and Physics
v Education Chemistry:Chemistry, Physics, and Biology
v Education English:Literature in English and any two of French, Igbo, Yoruba, History, CRS, IRS, Government, Economics and Arabic
v Education French: French and any two of Literature in English, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, Igbo, Government and History
v Education Geography: Geography and any two of Economics, Government, History, CRS/IRS, Yoruba and Igbo.
v Education Guidance and Counselling: Any three of Literature in English, Economics, CRS/IRS, Government, History, Igbo, Yoruba, French and Geography
v Education History: History and any two of CRS/IRS, Literature in English, Igbo, Yoruba, Government, French and Geography.
v Education Igbo: Igbo and any two of French, Yoruba, Literature in English, History and CRS/IRS, Geography and Government.
v Education Integrated Science: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
v Education Mathematics: Any three of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Further Mathematics. (But candidate must have credit in Further Maths at O’Level).
v Education Physics: Physics and Chemistry plus any one of Biologyand Further Mathematics.
v Education Yoruba: Yoruba and any two of French, Literature in English, Government, History, CRS/IRS and Geography
v Education Economics: Economics and any two of Geography, Government, History, CRS/IRS, Igbo, French and Yoruba
v Business Education: Economics and any two of Accounting, Geography, Government, History, CRS/IRS, Igbo, French and Yoruba.
v Christian Religious Studies: CRS and any two of Government, History, Literature in English, Geography, Economics, Yoruba, Igbo, and French.
v Islamic Religious Studies: IRS and any two of Government, History, Literature in English, French, Yoruba, Igbo and Economics.
v Human Kinetics & Health Education: Biology/Health Science/ Physical Education one other Science Subject and any other Subject.
v Technology Education: Physics/Technical Drawing and any other two Science subjects.
v Home Economics: Chemistry, Biology and one other subject from Economics, Food & Nutrition, Home Management and Clothing and Textile.
For further inquiries and admission assistance call 09022205421/08117765394
v Chemical: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
v Civil & Environmental:Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
v Computer:Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
v Electrical & Electronics:Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
v Metallurgical & Materials:Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
v Mechanical:Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
v Petroleum & Gas:Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
v Surveying & Geoinformatics: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Geography is accepted in lieu of Chemistry.
v Systems: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
v Architecture:Physics,Technical Drawing or Fine Arts and any one from Economics, Geography, Chemistry and Biology
v Building: Physics,Chemistry,Economics
v Estate Management: Economics and any two from Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Physics, Technical Drawing, Fine Arts.
v Quantity Surveying:Physics, Chemistry, Economics
v Urban and Regional Planning: Geography and any two from Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics and Fine Arts or Technical Drawing.
v Literature in English and two other subjects, one or both of which shall be from Arts or Social Sciences
v Botany: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Microbiology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Cell Biology &Genetics: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Chemistry: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Computer Science: Physics, Further Mathematics and Chemistry (candidate must have credit in Further Maths at O’Level)
v Fisheries: Physics, Chemistry and Biology,
v Geology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
v Geophysics: Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Further Mathematics
v Mathematics: Physics, Further Mathematics and Chemistry(candidate must have credit in Further Maths at O’Level)
v Marine Biology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Physics: Physics, Chemistry and Further Mathematics
v Zoology:Chemistry,Biology and Physics
v Biochemistry: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Economics: Economics and any two of Accounting, Geography, Further Mathematics and Government, Lit-In-English, Physics Chemistry, Biology.
v Geography: Geography and any two of Economics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Government.
v Mass Communication: Literature in English and any two of Economics, Government, History and CRS/IRS
v Political Science: Government and any two of Literature in English, Economics, History and CRS/IRS, Geography
v Psychology: Biology and any two of Economics, Government, Chemistry, Physics and Literature in English.
v Sociology: Any two of Economics, Government, Geography and one of History or CRS/IRS.
v Social Work: Any two of Economics, Government, Geography and one of History or CRS/IRS
v Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
v Dentistry: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Medicine: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Pharmacology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Physiology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Physiotherapy: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Medical Laboratory Sciences: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Nursing Sciences: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
v Radiography: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
The underlined are the compulsory subjects
Students spends one year on the Foundation Programme in the University of Lagos and proceed to any of the of their choice of course to complete the degree programmes; bearing the full responsibilities of both the academics and financial requirements.
To make any enquiry of any sought please call our enquiry number on 09022205421.
Don’t worry with us your admission is very guaranteed.
For Further Enquiries
If you are ready to get the form, we can be of assistance to you. Feel free to talk to us any time from wherever you are in Nigeria; we will treat your issue with urgency. Call our lines today: 09022205421
Note: Get your past Question and Answers Now & Start Reading ahead. You will succeed. The past questions and answers are available. Call us today for Registration on: 09022205421
Unilag Foundation Information at a Glance
Unilag Foundation Form Price = N25,000Unilag Foundation Examination Date = expect new form Unilag Foundation Programme FormUnilag Foundation Closing Date = stated updated here Unilag Foundation Past Question = Call 09022205421 Registration & Filling of Form = Call 09022205421 |
It’s your TURN to Get into Higher Institution!
List of Courses offered in the Unilag Foundation Programme.
Below are the list of courses offered in the Unilag Foundation/Diploma/Jupeb/Predegree programme;
- Foundation In Accounting.
- Foundation In Actuarial Science.
- Foundation In Adult Education.
- Foundation In Architecture.
- Foundation In Biochemistry.
- Foundation In Biology Education.
- Foundation In Botany.
- Foundation In Building.
- Foundation In Business Administration.
- Foundation In Business Education.
- Foundation In Cell Biology & Genetics.
- Foundation In Chemical Engineering.
- Foundation In Chemistry.
- Foundation In Civil & Environmental Engineering.
- Foundation In Computer Engineering.
- Foundation In Computer Sciences.
- Foundation In Dentistry.
- Foundation In Early Childhood Education.
- Foundation In Economics.
- Foundation In Economics Education.
- Foundation In Educational Administration.
- Foundation In Electrical & Electronics Engineering.
- Foundation In English.
- Foundation In English Education.
- Foundation In Estate Management.
- Foundation in Finance.
- Foundation In Fisheries.
- Foundation in French.
- Foundation In Geograph.
- Foundation In Geography Education.
- Foundation In Geology.
- Foundation In Geophysics.
- Foundation In Guidance & Counselling.
- Foundation In History & Strategic Studies.
- Foundation In Home Economics.
- Foundation In Human Kinetic & Health Education.
- Foundation In Industrial Relations & Personel Management.
- Foundation In Insurance.
- Foundation In Integrated Science.
- Foundation In Law.
- Foundation In Marine Biology.
- Foundation In Mass Communication.
- Foundation In Materials & Metallurgical Engineering.
- Foundation In Mathematics.
- Foundation In Mathematics Education.
- Foundation In Mechanical Engineering.
- Foundation In Medical Laboratory Sciences.
- Foundation In Medicine & Surgery.
- Foundation In Microbiology.
- Foundation In Music.
- Foundation In Nursing Sciences.
- Foundation In Petroleum & Gas Engineering.
- Foundation In Pharmacology.
- Foundation In Pharmacy.
- Foundation in Philosophy.
- Foundation In Physics.
- Foundation In Physics Education.
- Foundation In Physiology.
- Foundation In Physiotherapy.
- Foundation In Political Science.
- Foundation In Psychology.
- Foundation In Quantity Surveying.
- Foundation In Radiography.
- Foundation In Russian.
- Foundation In Sociology.
- Foundation In Sports Science.
- Foundation In Surveying & Geoinformatics.
- Foundation In Systems Engineering.
- Foundation In Theatre Arts.
- Foundation In Urban & Regional Planning.
- Foundation In Visual Arts.
- Foundation in Yoruba.
- Foundation in Zoology.
Unilag Foundation/JUPEP/Diploma Subject Combinations
Maths & English is Compulsory plus any of these three listed below
The subjects above are subject codes. The translation of the subject codes above can be seen below;
- MAT >> Mathematics
- ACC >> Accounting
- BIO >> Biology
- ART >> Visual Arts
- CHE >> Chemistry
- ECO >> Economics
- BUS >> Business Studies
- FRE >> French
- HIS >> History
- CRS >> Christian Religious Studies
- GEO >> Geography
- IGB >> Igbo
- LIT >> Literature in English
- GOV >> Government
- ISS >> Islamic Studies
- PHY >> Physics
- MUS >> Music
- YOR >> Yoruba
All related enquiries(Must be related to the post above) should be dropped via the comment section below and we will reply as soon as possible.
Anybody can also answer enquiries/reply comments not only Me, please reply any comment you have answers to. Thanks.
CALL- 09022205421
call for more information, past question, and registration. 09022205421
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates into the School of Foundation studies, university of Lagos for the 2014/2025 session. Highly successful candidates after an approved examination administered by the Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB), are eligible for consideration for Direct Entry admission into the 200 level of the Degree Programme of the University through (Joint Admission and Matriculation Board, or admission into the University of Bedfordshire, University of Central Lancashire, University of the West of England, De Montfort University, Leicester, University of Birmingham, (UK) and Soochow University, China. Please note that the programme does not currently have facilities for the visually impaired and is strictly a non-residential programme.
The School of Foundation Studies will provide an intensive one year programme teaching subjects in line with JUPEB Syllabus for admission according to the following subject combination grouping:
call for more information, past question, and registration. 09022205421
How UNILAG Foundation/Diploma Programme Works
UNILAG Foundation/Diploma Programme is an initiative of the school through which candidates can get a Direct Entry (DE) admission to 200 level to study any of the courses offered by the school without JAMB.
As far as university admission is concerned, UNILAG Foundation/Diploma is the easiest way to get admission to study any course of your choice in the prestigious University of Lagos.
n this comprehensive article, we shall provides you all the relevant information you need to know about UNILAG Foundation/Diploma Programme 2024/2025.
In other words, this is a one-stop platform for every information about UNILAG Foundation/Diploma Programme 2024/2025.
Specifically, we shall provide you the general requirement for UNILAG Foundation/Diploma Programme, the school fees, the available courses, the cost of purchasing the form, how and where to purchase the form, among other guides.
As already stated above, UNILAG Foundation, formerly known as UNILAG Diploma, is an initiative through which candidates can gain Direct Entry Admission to 200 level to study any course of their choice.
This is how it works: First thing is to obtain the foundation form. After the sales of form, the school will conduct an entrance exam. If you pass the entrance exam, you then be admitted to the Foundation programme.
Please note that being admitted into UNILAG Foundation does not mean you have been admitted to the the undergraduate programme. It simply simply means you have passed the first stage.
Successfully admitted candidates into the Foundation programme will then undergo intensive lectures on three subjects that are relevant for their chosen course for approximately 9 months.
After the 9 months intensive lectures, candidates will then seat for the final exam administered by the Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB).
Highly successful candidates after an approved examination administered by the Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB), are eligible for consideration for Direct Entry admission into the 200 Level of the Degree Programmes of the University through JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board), or admission into the University of Bedfordshire, University of Central Lancashire, University of the West of England, De Montfort University, Leicester, University of Birmingham, (UK) and Soochow University, China.
UNILAG Foundation/Diploma Subject Combinations
The School of Foundation Studies will provide an intensive one-year programme, teaching subjects in line with the JUPEB Syllabus for admission according to the following subject combination groupings:
1 | Accounting_Business Studies_Economics | SFS01 |
2 | Accounting_Economics_Geography | SFS02 |
3 | Accounting_Economics_Government | SFS03 |
4 | Visual Arts_Christian Reglious Studies_Government | SFS04 |
5 | Visual Arts_Christian Reglious Studies _Music | SFS05 |
6 | Visual Arts _Government _Music | SFS06 |
7 | Visual Arts _Literature In English_Music | SFS07 |
8 | Visual Arts _Mathematics_Physics | SFS08 |
9 | Biology_Chemistry_Physics | SFS09 |
11 | Biology_Economics_Government | SFS11 |
12 | Biology_Economics_Literature In English | SFS12 |
13 | Biology_Mathematics_Physics | SFS13 |
14 | Business Studies_Economics_Government | SFS14 |
15 | Chemistry_Economics_Mathematics | SFS15 |
16 | Chemistry_Physics_Mathematics | SFS16 |
17 | Christian Reglious Studies _French_ Literature In English | SFS17 |
18 | Christian Reglious Studies _ Government _Music | SFS18 |
19 | Christian Reglious Studies _ Government _Music | SFS19 |
20 | Christian Reglious Studies _Governmen_Igbo | SFS20 |
21 | Christian Reglious Studies _ Literature In English_History | SFS21 |
22 | Christian Reglious Studies _ Literature In English _Music | SFS22 |
23 | Economics _Geography_ Government | SFS23 |
24 | Economics _ Government _Islamic Studies | SFS24 |
25 | Economics _ Government _ Literature In English | SFS25 |
26 | Economics _ Mathematics _Physics | SFS26 |
27 | French_ Government _Islamic Studies | SFS27 |
28 | French_History_Islamics Studies | SFS28 |
29 | Government _ Christian Reglious Studies _Economics | SFS29 |
30 | Government _History_Islamics Studies | SFS30 |
31 | Government _ Literature In English _History | SFS31 |
32 | Government_ Literature In English _Music | SFS32 |
33 | History_ Government _ Christian Reglious Studies | SFS33 |
34 | Islamic Studies_ Government _ Literature In English | SFS34 |
35 | Literature In English _ Government _ Christian Reglious Studies | SFS35 |
36 | Literature In English _History_Islamics Studies | SFS36 |
37 | Mathematics_Geography_Economics | SFS37 |
38 | Mathematics_Physics_Geography | SFS38 |
39 | Government_Islamic Studies_Economics | SFS39 |
40 | Biology_Chemistry_Economics | SFS40 |
41 | Visual Arts_Government_Islamics Studies | SFS41 |
42 | Visual Arts_ Christian Reglious Studies _History | SFS42 |
A minimum of five credits (English language, mathematics and three relevant subjects) obtained in one sitting at the SSCE/WASSCE, GCE/O/L, NECO with results obtained before registration
N.B. Please read the information on the subject combination relevant to your course of study before completing the application form online
Mode of examination: computer-Based Testing (Please check the Unilag Website a week before examination to verify your venue and examination date)
- All question are multiple choice
- Examination subjects are: mathematics, English Language (20 question each) and 3 other relevant subjects (according to candidates choice of subject combination) of 15 question each, that is, a total of 85 question to be answered in 1 hour
- Students are to report at designated venues – according to the schedule on the Examination Pass.
- All candidates must be at the designated venues two hours before the schedule examination time.
University of Lagos has zero tolerance for drug abuse, sexual harassment, examination malpractice and other Anti-social behaviours. All admitted will undergo compulsory medical test.

But before you can be a student of Unilag diploma,you must undergo a section testing which is popularly called entrance examination.
How prepared are you for the entrance exam?
We have the soft copy and hard copy of the past questions and answers, they are sold together and it cost for just 3,000 naria , for both soft and hard copy . The soft copy is readable in all device e.g techno phone, I phone, Samsung galaxy tab, and Blackberry. to order for yours call 09022205421
Always plan for yourself think of what to study In the exam hall. no body will write for you.
Hello You Need To Get Yourself Prepared With the teeming population of candidates applying for Unilag every year, getting the Unilag Diploma II Foundation past questions is a necessity if you want to score high in the forth coming Diploma examination.
No matter the course you applied for, Unilag will test you for Mathematics, English Language and Three Other Subject Base On the Course And Your Olevel Results. These are the subjects you would do in the Unilag diploma exams They Is Now thought in it.
You can get the entrance past question and answers so that you can archieve what you want.
Please Take Note Is not just any how material that most online prepared by themselves. The one am giving it confirm unilag diploma past question is available. Call 09022205421 for the past questions.
If there is any information you wish to ask that is not posted here please feel free to call or whatsapp our number 09022205421 or you can drop your questions on the comment section I will sure do well to reply you.
For further inquiries and admission assistance call 09022205421/08117765394
And most especially don’t forget to click on the subscription button to get all updates sent directly to your mail
call for more information, past question, and registration. 09022205421
For further inquiries and admission assistance call 09022205421/08117765394