The Interim Joint Matriculation Board (IJMB) was set up in 1974 under statute 5 of the Ahmadu Bello University Law to run the Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination (IJMBE) as an equivalent ‘A’ Level Examination, to students or candidates who may wish to seek undergraduate admission into Ahmadu Bello University and other Universities.

For registration assistance call: 09022205421/08117765394

IJMB is a one year course designed to serve as intermediate course of study to train students from various institutions based on a syllabus to gain insight into basic tools of seventeen subjects for taking up advance studies in divert profession in any Nigerian Universities at 200 levels.

For registration assistance call: 09022205421/08117765394

The Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination is conducted yearly, essentially for Advanced Level (A/L) subjects for candidates already admitted by colleges affiliated to the Board for the purpose of the examinations. In addition, two Ordinary Level (O/L) subjects (English and Mathematics) are also offered for candidates who may be deficient in these two O/L subjects.

The Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination (IJMBE) is a qualifying examination into Nigerian and Foreign Universities. The examination is primarily for Advanced Level subjects for Direct Entry (200 level) into the Universities and two (2) Ordinary Level subjects (English and Mathematics), which are basic requirements for admission into Universities.

The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has, from 1978 been the moderating agency to the IJMB Examinations. JAMB participates in moderating the questions and supervising the marking of the scripts through external moderators they recruit from universities throughout the country.

Must either have been in existence for at least three years during which they must have been running the programme for which they were established, be they Polytechnics, Colleges of Education, Schools of Arts and Sciences, Schools of Preliminary Studies, Colleges of Advanced and Professional Studies, etc.

The examination is strictly based on the IJMB syllabus which covered the 100 level and beyond of University education in each subject. The syllabus must be taught over the period of 12 months.

Consequently, Interim joint Matriculation Board, IJMB Registration Form is sold at the cost of N10,000.00 (Ten Thousand Naira) only. The application for IJMBE form for academic sessions always have a closing date.

With us, you can gain admission into 200level without JAMB
All related enquiries(Must be related to the post above) should be dropped via the comment section below and we will reply as soon as possible.

Anybody can also answer enquiries/reply comments not only Mr Falana, please reply any comment you have answers to. Thanks.

CALL- 09022205421

By Admissions Success

FALANA IS THE CEO AND ONE OF LEADING EDUCATION CONSULT IN NIGERIA. I’m a blogger living in Nigeria. I like to share education news from various sources . write project, Assignment and anything that related to education. I created to serve as a platform to disseminate quality, credible and dependable information regarding various happenings in Nigeria education system. I strive to keep Nigerian youths and students informed. remember this folk, better is not good enough, the best is yet to come.

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